Company visit from Sanata Dharma University
The Students of Sanata Dharma University at Moores Rowland Indonesia

Company visit from Sanata Dharma University

October 2019

On two consecutive days, October 10 and 11, 2019 Moores Rowland received a company visit from Sanata Dharma University. More than 80 students majoring accounting, and 2 lecturers participated in this visit. 

Auditor Work in the Future and Career Opportunity in Public Accountants Public Works became the theme of the visit with the aim to broaden participants' insights on how the role of auditors in the world of digital era .

According to Mr. Handoko Tomo, Senior Partner of Moores Rowland Indonesia, although the current world is moving towards block chains, the role of an auditor will not be replaced. He said that in the auditing process, an auditor would be possibly facilitated by the assistance of computerized systems. However, the decisions, recommendations, as well as sensitivity from an auditor remain a high necessity. 

In addition, the participants received guidance on steps to become a successful auditor in the future. Willingness to learn new things and resilience is one of the necessary abilities that an auditor should have. 

"In Moores Rowland, we have two (2) values: we respect our staff and we challenge them. Like a rubber band, we're going to push them until the limit" - James Kallman said. 

According to his experience, when he entered the world of auditing for the first time, he was never allowed to talk to clients for two years and only served to assist his supervisor. Armed with this experience, James Kallman who is also the CEO of Moores Rowland determines that everyone in his office can receive experience as much as possible.

"I will place a new staff in the field thus they can receive a real experience. That's what an audit need to learn and experience something", he added. He also said that we fully respect the staff’ needs in Moores Rowland. That is the reason that study opportunities is wide open to the staff. 

Pak Handoko Tomo also added that there was a time; he included his fourteen (14) staff to take a competency test conducted by IAPI / the Indonesian Institute of Public Accountants. According to him, this is a commitment from the company to each employee. Therefore, both the company and staff grow together. 

The enthusiasm of the participants was reflected by the interactive discussion on the world of auditors. After 90 minutes, the activity closed with a group photo. 

Moores Rowland hopes that the participants can receive new insights on the world of auditing and on other occasions we can probably work together in a wider scope. Thank you, Sanata Dharma!